Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Week 5 - #2

Drew gave Kendra half of his pogs. Kendra gave Nash half of the pogs
she received from Drew. Nash kept 8 of those pogs and gave the remaining 10
to Rose. How many pogs did Drew give Kendra?

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Week 5 - #1

If you saved $2.00 on January 1, $4.00 on February 1, $6.00 on March 1, $8.00 on April 1, and so on, how much money would you save in one year?

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Week 4 - #3

Buck Pierce completed 60% of his 140 passes last season. This season, he attempted twice as many passes and completed 70% of the passes this season. How many passes did he complete?

Week 4 - #2

How many even numbers between 300 and 400 have the number 3 in them?

Monday, November 21, 2011

Week 4

This is week 4 of our challenge and we are looking for your help! The Grade 6 students of Room 5 at George Fitton School couldn't solve the problem from week 3 without help. Can you help them solve it by sharing your answer and strategy?!
The problem for week 4 is...
In a Magic Square, all the columns, rows, and diagonals add up to the same sum. Can you find the value of C in the square below?










Thursday, November 17, 2011

Week 3

What number goes in the blank in this series?

_____, 50, 51, 53, 56

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

This is a long one!

Cam asked Jordan for his phone number. Jordan loves math so much that he gave Cam a riddle for each digit.

1. Multiply me by 2 and add 4. Divide that by 8, then add 3 to get 5.
2. Add 4 to me and multiply by 3. Subtract 2 then add 7 to get 32.
3. Subtract 3 from me and divide by 2. Now add 5, then multiply by 3 to get 24.
4. Add 7 to me and multiply by 2. Now subtract 4, then divide by 3 to get 4.
5. Multiply me by 3 and add 9. Now divide by 6, then add 3 to get 8.
6. Subtract 2 from me and divide by 5. Now add 6, then multiply by 2 and you get 14.
7. Divide me by 2, then add 11. Now multiply by 3, then subtract 27 and you get 18.

What is Jordan's phone number? What was the trick to answering this question?

Monday, November 7, 2011

Week 2 - Problem #3

Sidney Crosby is thinking of two numbers. Their greatest common factor is 6. Their least common multiple is 36. One of the numbers is 12. What is the other number?

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Here We Go Again...

Thanks to all of our visitors! We love checking every day to see how many people have viewed our blog. Please feel free to post a comment even after the answer has been posted. If you tried to comment but weren't able to, I have made some changes that should now allow you to comment. Here is the second problem for this week:
Jenny bought 7 t-shirts, one for each of her seven brothers, for $9.95 each.
The cashier charged her an additional $13.07 in sales tax. She left the store
with a measely $7.28. How much money did Jenny start with?