Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Week 12 - #1

While golfer Fred was searching for his ball, he found 24 coins totaling $2.40. Tell two different combinations of coins he might have found.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Week 11 - #2

Only one of the cheerleaders at George Fitton has brought a pet to the game. The pets that aren't here are a tarantula, a llama, an iguana, and a pig. The cheerleaders' names are Tori, Tom, Tad, Tish, and Tara. Their ages are 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18. Which cheerleader owns the poodle, and how old is she (or he)?

  • Tad is 4 years older than Tara
  • Tish hates dogs and Tom hate pigs
  • Tom's mom won't allow a large pet
  • Tara owns the iguana
  • Tad is afraid of arachnids
  • Tori is older than Tom
  • Tara does not own the pig
  • Tori is allergic to dogs
  • Tish is 2 years younger than Tori
  • Tad is 1 year older than the tarantuala owner
  • The pig owner is 3 years older than the llama owner

Monday, January 23, 2012

Week 11 - # 1

On an average day, Canadians spend $958904.00 buying video games. Of this
total $767123.00 is spent on Nintendo games. In one week how much do Canadians
spend on Nintendo Games. How much do they spend on other video games in a

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Week 10 - #3

The grade 5/6s at Reston School would like to take a trip to the Museum of Man and Nature in Winnipeg to see the boat that Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez ate on. There are 95 students in total and the school says that they need to have one adult chaperons for every 10 students. How many chaperons will they need?

Monday, January 16, 2012

Week 10 - #1

Hot Shot Surfer Tyson catches 4 great waves every half hour. At this rate, how long will it be before he has ridden 44 waves?

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Week 9 - #2

Beach Bum Brynne is 75 m from the shore at 9 A.M. Every hour she moves forward 18 m and is pulled backword 7 m. What time will she reach the shore?

Saturday, January 7, 2012

The First Problem in 2012

Celtic Bakery Sale
White Bread - 2 for $1.25
Rye Bread - 2 for $1.35
Onion Rolls - 6 for $1.00
Hamburger Buns - 6 for $0.85
Hot Dog Buns - 6 for $0.69
Stephanie and Cameron are going shopping for their mom at the Celtic Bakery. They were told to buy 15 onion rolls, 10 hamburger buns and 2 loaves of rye bread. How much will it cost them?