Monday, January 16, 2012

Week 10 - #1

Hot Shot Surfer Tyson catches 4 great waves every half hour. At this rate, how long will it be before he has ridden 44 waves?

1 comment:

  1. The grade 6s decided one of the best ways to solve this problem was using a chart. Our chart looked kind of like this:
    Time Waves
    0:00 0
    0:30 4
    1:00 8
    1:30 12
    2:00 16
    2:30 20
    3:00 24
    3:30 28
    4:00 32
    4:30 36
    5:00 40
    5:30 44

    That means it will take Tyson 5 and a half hours to catch 44 waves.

    How did you solve the problem?
