Saturday, January 7, 2012

The First Problem in 2012

Celtic Bakery Sale
White Bread - 2 for $1.25
Rye Bread - 2 for $1.35
Onion Rolls - 6 for $1.00
Hamburger Buns - 6 for $0.85
Hot Dog Buns - 6 for $0.69
Stephanie and Cameron are going shopping for their mom at the Celtic Bakery. They were told to buy 15 onion rolls, 10 hamburger buns and 2 loaves of rye bread. How much will it cost them?

1 comment:

  1. Stephanie and Cameron are going shopping for their mom at the Celtic Bakery.They were told to buy 15 onion rolls, 10 hamburger buns and 2 loaves of rye bread. How much will it cost them?
    onion rolls
    They need fifteen onion rolls.
    onion rolls are 6 for $1.00.
    If they need 15 onion rolls they will have to get three batches which equals $3.00.

    hamburger buns
    They need 10 hamburger buns so they will have to buy 2 batches which equals $1.70.

    rey bread
    They need 2 loaves of rye bread which equals $1.35.

